Wednesday 30 March 2011

And I Relent...

What is with our generation's compulsion to share every thought with the world? Even before you think of it, it's up on facebook or twitter. I hate it! Mostly because it goes against the self-contained image of myself I've created in my head. But the truth is, I really do enjoy sharing every damn thought! So instead of fighting against it, I decided to 'embrace' it. And hence was born Peppered Insanity! A little bit of this and a little bit of that. A little bit of what goes through my head. Here's to the constantly active mind that makes my life hell at times (well, maybe most times). To that feeling of incompleteness (or occasional completeness) that pushes me to express. To all the crazy things I do, want to do, miss doing, regret doing. Here's to ME and my peppered insanity! :-D

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